Saturday, June 30, 2018

Original Beach Scorpions

Well, this band is certainly one of my favourites: The Original Beach Scorpions, led by Anthony Scorpion. Fine guitarwork, remarkable voices, truly original.
This is a tribute song for the Nigerian Highlife star Rex Lawson: Buguma

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Yamoah's Band

And once again a 'new'album from my favourite band, Yamoah's.
It dates from 1975, so it is hardly new, and probably the music is even older. But i had never seen it before, so i want to share it with you.
Cedi Special, the Ghanaian currency: money, it's a gaz...

Yamoah's Band - Cedi Special

Monday, April 30, 2018

King Sonny Brown and his Sailors Band

And now it's time for a Nigerian track: King Sonny Brown and his Sailors Band.
Sonny Brown was back-up trumpet-player in Rex Lawson;s Band, and started his own band after the much regretted early death of the beloved Highlife star.
On this track he plays sax, and quite well, if you ask me.

King Sonny Brown and his Sailors Band - Ndeoma Biri

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Gay Brothers Band of Ghana

Here's another nice tune for you: the Gay Brothers Band. Ok, in the seventies in Ghana, 'Gay' had nothing to do with sexual orientation, but more with religion, a kind of 'happy to be Christian' thing.
Anyway, here's Ene Me Ntra

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Honourable Vincent Ugabi and his Weppa Wanno Youths Dance Band (Agenebode)

Lately i have collected a number of albums by Vincent Ugabi and his Weppa Wanno Dance Band.
He is also the leader of Weppa Wanno Sound, the connection between the 2 bands is not clear to me.
It's really 'deep' highlife, dark and brooding.
I'm sure you'll like it.

Akhagba Egbe

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Prince Issa Kiya and his Uppers Real Brothers Band of Ghana

Prince Issa Kiya and his Uppers Real Brothers Band of Ghana: never heard of them? Well neither did I. But i'm sure if you follow the link you will not forget them. Not that the music is unforgettable, but the voice is. It seems that for Ghanaians, a distinctive voice is more important than a beautiful voice. But hey, click and make up your own mind.
Prince Issa Kiya and his Uppers Real Brothers Band of Ghana - Adea Maame Pe